熊本電気鉄道株式会社(くまもとでんきてつどう、通称「熊本電鉄」)は、 鉄道、路線バス、貸切バス、不動産開発を行う交通インフラ企業です。
出典:熊本日日新聞 2024年6月18日朝刊 https://kumanichi.com/articles/1456072
- 熊本電気鉄道は2024年3月期決算で、路線バス事業が10年ぶりに黒字転換し、4300万円の黒字となった。
- 新型コロナからの人流回復や、沿線自治体の人口増加、および、セミコンテクノパークの通勤バス利用者増が要因。
- TSMC熊本進出に伴う企業集積に伴い、菊陽町のJR原水駅とセミコンテクノパークを結ぶ「セミコン通勤バス」の輸送人員は約27万5000人と、前期に比べて65%増加。
- バス輸送人員は前期比10.8%増の355万人に回復。鉄道事業も輸送人員が13.6%増加し、全体売上高は前期比14.7%増の22億2100万円、純利益は6.4倍の4700万円となった。
- 2025年3月期も増収増益を予想。「セミコン通勤バス」の利用増や、合志市の「御代志」等の再開発による賃料収入を見込む。
尚、直近、熊本では路線バス各社と熊本電鉄が「全国交通系 IC カード(Suica等)」を停止し、新たにクレジットカード等のタッチ決済導入方針のニュースが流れています。利用者からは、サービス低下と一部批判があるようです。
地元の方々は「くまモンのICカード」、外国人は世界標準のVISAタッチが使えることから、熊本熊猫は大歓迎です。また、実はスマホ決済(Apple PayやGoogle Pay)が使えるようになることをもっとPRすれは、既存顧客の理解も得られると思います。
熊本电气铁道株式会社(Kumamoto Dentsu Tetsudō,简称“熊本电铁”)是一家从事铁路、路线巴士、包车巴士和房地产开发的交通基础设施企业。
出处:熊本日日新闻 2024年6月18日晨报 https://kumanichi.com/articles/1456072
由于本地居民可以使用“熊本熊的IC卡”,外国人可以使用全球通用的VISA触摸支付,熊本熊猫对此表示热烈欢迎。此外,如果进一步宣传智能手机支付(如Apple Pay和Google Pay)也可以使用的话,相信能够得到现有客户的理解。
Kumamoto Electric Railway’s Bus Business Turns Profitable After 10 Years
I am Kumamoto Kumamoto, the PR representative of Kumamoto Panda Real Estate.
Kumamoto Electric Railway Co., Ltd. (Kumamoto Densha Tetsudō, commonly known as “Kumamoto Electric Railway”) is a transportation infrastructure company engaged in railways, route buses, charter buses, and real estate development.
On June 18, 2024, the Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun reported that due to the TSMC effect, Kumamoto Electric Railway’s route bus business has turned profitable for the first time in 10 years. Below is a summary.
Source: Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun, Morning Edition, June 18, 2024 https://kumanichi.com/articles/1456072
[Article Summary]
Kumamoto Electric Railway reported a profit of 43 million yen for its bus business in the fiscal year ending March 2024, marking its first profit in ten years.
The recovery of passenger flow after the COVID-19 pandemic, population growth in municipalities along the railway line, and increased use of commuter buses in the Semiconductor Techno Park contributed to this turnaround.
With TSMC’s entry into Kumamoto, the “Semiconductor Commuter Bus” connecting JR Haraimizu Station in Kikuyo Town and the Semiconductor Techno Park saw a 65% increase in passengers, reaching approximately 275,000.
Bus passenger numbers recovered by 10.8% from the previous period to 3.55 million. The railway business also saw a 13.6% increase in passengers. Overall, sales increased by 14.7% from the previous period to 2.221 billion yen, and net profit was 470 million yen, 6.4 times the previous period.
For the fiscal year ending March 2025, the company expects continued revenue and profit growth. This is attributed to the increased use of the “Semiconductor Commuter Bus” and rental income from redevelopment projects such as in the Miyoshi area of Koshi City.
【Kumamoto Panda’s Comment】
Kumamoto Electric Railway is redeveloping the area around Miyoshi Station in Koshi City, which is adjacent to Kikuyo Town where TSMC has established operations.
As a local transportation infrastructure company, we hope they will continue to advance redevelopment projects.
Recently, there has been news that Kumamoto’s bus companies and Kumamoto Electric Railway will stop using “Nationwide Transportation IC Cards (such as Suica)” and instead plan to introduce touch payments via credit cards. Some users have criticized this move as a decline in service.
Local residents can use the “Kumamon IC Card,” and foreigners can use globally accepted VISA touch payments, which Kumamoto Panda welcomes. Furthermore, promoting that smartphone payments (such as Apple Pay and Google Pay) are also available would likely gain understanding from existing customers.
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