出典 :㈱インプレスの運営サイトCar Watch https://car.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1604310.html
- TSMC発表:TSMCは横浜市での技術説明会にて、車の中に使う半導体(マイクロチップ)に新しい3nm技術を導入する計画を発表。
- 自動車業界の進化:この新しい技術により、自動車のコンピューターがもっと賢くなり、AI(人工知能)を使った新しい機能が増えることが期待されている。
- 自動車の未来:3nm技術を使うことで、自動車はより高性能になり、燃費が良くなったり、新しい安全機能が追加されたりすることが期待される。
- 熊本の工場:TSMC子会社として2021年に設立されたJASMは、2024年中の量産開始に向けて順調に進捗。
- 日本市場の成長:TSMCの日本でビジネスは順調に成長しており、新しい技術を使った同社の半導体が日本の自動車メーカーにも広く使われるようになる見込み。
来源:株式会社Impress运营网站Car Watch https://car.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1604310.html
- TSMC的发布:TSMC在横滨市的技术说明会上,宣布计划在汽车使用的半导体(微芯片)中引入新的3nm技术。
- 汽车行业的进化:通过这一新技术,预计汽车的计算机将变得更加智能,并增加使用AI(人工智能)的新功能。
- 汽车的未来:使用3nm技术,预计汽车的性能将更高,燃油效率将更好,并会增加新的安全功能。
- 熊本的工厂:作为TSMC的子公司,JASM于2021年成立,预计将于2024年中开始量产,进展顺利。
- 日本市场的增长:TSMC在日本的业务稳步增长,预计使用新技术的该公司半导体将在日本汽车制造商中广泛应用。
TSMC Plans to Introduce Advanced 3nm Technology for Automotive Semiconductors
Kumamoto Panda Real Estate’s PR representative “Kumamoto Panda” here.
On June 28, TSMC held the “Japan Technology Symposium” in Yokohama. The “TSMC Technology Symposium” is held annually for TSMC’s customers in major regions worldwide, followed by a technical briefing for the media. At the Japanese briefing, it was revealed that TSMC plans to introduce advanced 3nm semiconductors for automotive applications. https://www.tsmc.com/static/english/campaign/Symposium2024/index.htm
Below is a summary of an article published by media who attended the media briefing on June 28.
Source: Car Watch, operated by Impress Corporation https://car.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1604310.html
- TSMC’s Announcement: At the technical briefing in Yokohama, TSMC announced plans to introduce new 3nm technology in semiconductors (microchips) used in cars.
- Advancements in the Automotive Industry: With this new technology, it is expected that car computers will become smarter, and new functions using AI (artificial intelligence) will increase.
- The Future of Automobiles: By using 3nm technology, cars are expected to perform better, have improved fuel efficiency, and incorporate new safety features.
- Kumamoto Factory: JASM, a subsidiary of TSMC established in 2021, is progressing smoothly towards starting mass production by mid-2024.
- Growth in the Japanese Market: TSMC’s business in Japan is steadily growing, and it is expected that the company’s semiconductors using new technology will be widely adopted by Japanese automakers.
【Kumamoto Panda’s Comment】
It seems that the Japanese automotive industry is working with TSMC to prepare for the introduction of advanced 4nm and 3nm technologies to compete with Tesla and BYD and to develop new autonomous driving technologies. I expect that TSMC’s Japanese factory will also adopt these cutting-edge technologies in the future.