熊本ぱんだ不動産の村上です。最近立て続けに、県外の方から、熊本のファミリー向けエリアのご相談をいただきました。そこで、ブログ第2弾は、村上が「独断と偏見」で熊本移住ファミリーにお薦めする「熊本市中央区神水(くわみず)」を紹介します。賃貸でも購入でも良い所です。Google Mapsでは、神水のシンボル「マリエール神水苑」(写真左)を検索してみてください。ちなみに、熊本ぱんだ不動産(写真右)は、マリエール神水苑の斜め前です。神水が大好きで、2024年にオフィスを構えました。

1. 交通アクセスの良さ
公共交通機関の充実 神水は、熊本市電に面しており、市内中心部へのアクセス良好です。また、熊本市の主要バス路線にもなっています。個人的には、熊本市電の方が、使い勝手が良いと思います(間隔が短くて便利です)。
車のアクセス良好 九州自動車道の「熊本IC」にも近く、車で県外に移動される方にも便利です。また、「阿蘇くまもと空港」(熊本空港)には車で30分弱、国道57号線近くなのでTSMCの日本法人JASM(菊陽町)まで車で35分程度と、半導体関連でご家族帯同の方にお薦めです。
2. 自然と都市の調和
3. 教育環境
4. 商業施設(唯一の弱点)

Recommended Area for Families: Kuwamizu, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City
Hello, this is Murakami from Kumamoto Panda Real Estate. Recently, I have received numerous inquiries from people outside the prefecture about family-friendly areas in Kumamoto. I would like to introduce Kuwamizu in Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City, which I personally recommend for families considering relocating to Kumamoto. Whether for renting or buying, Kuwamizu is an excellent area.
1. Excellent Transportation Access
Public Transportation Kuwamizu faces the Kumamoto City Tram line, providing excellent access to the city center. It is also a major bus route in Kumamoto City. Personally, I find the city tram more convenient due to its shorter intervals.
Car Access It is close to the “Kumamoto Inter Change” on the Kyushu Expressway, making it convenient for those traveling by car outside the prefecture. Additionally, it is less than a 30-minute drive to “Kumamoto Airport, and about a 35-minute drive to TSMC’s Japan subsidiary JASM in Kikuyo Town, which is ideal for families accompanying semiconductor-related personnel.
2. Harmony of Nature and Urban Life
Kuwaamizu is a 5-minute walk from “Ezu Lake” (a beloved lake with spring water for Kumamoto citizens) and has well-maintained street trees and parks, providing a safe and enjoyable environment for children. The approach to Kengun Shrine is recommended for walks. Especially, the garden of “Mariale Kuwamizu,” which I consider the No. 1 wedding venue in Kumamoto, is impressive. I held my wedding and reception here, and in that excitement, I bought a used condominium with a view of the “Mariale Kuwamizu garden” and “Mt. Aso sunrise” from the upper floors, located right in front of Mariale Kuwamizu.
3. Educational Environment
Kumamizu boasts well-regarded schools such as Kuwamizu Kindergarten, Sunatori Elementary School, and Izumi Junior High School. Additionally, thanks to the city tram line, it is possible to commute to the affiliated elementary and junior high schools of Kumamoto University. Being on the border of Chuo Ward and Higashi Ward, it offers access to various high schools in Kumamoto City. It is also an area with many company dormitories, creating an image of families dedicated to education.
4. Commercial Facilities (The Only Weakness)
Kuwamizu has ample convenience stores and drugstores. However, there are no supermarkets within walking distance, and there are fewer restaurants compared to the population. This is the only weakness of Kuwamizu. It is inconvenient for those whose primary mode of transportation is walking. In the latter half of 2024, when the “Kumamoto City Hospital site” (owned by Kumamoto City) is put up for sale, the requirement for “commercial facilities” is expected to be included. Therefore, in a few years, the supermarket and restaurant issues in Kuwamizu should be resolved.
Recommended Properties
Land prices in Kuwamizu are rising, making it difficult to purchase land and build a house. Additionally, land is rarely available for sale in this area. While used houses occasionally go on the market, some areas of Kuwamizu are flood-prone (river/lake overflow) or have rainwater flooding areas (road flooding due to heavy rain). The flood-prone areas are listed on Kumamoto City’s hazard map, but updates for rainwater flooding areas stopped in 2011 (essentially not public). This is very important. Always confirm the risk of rainwater flooding with your real estate agent.
The best recommendation is used condominiums. There are several condominium buildings on the north and south sides of the train line. For those prioritizing views and not minding noise, the upper floors on the north side (living rooms facing the train line) are recommended. For a quiet living environment, the south side (living rooms facing Ezu Lake) is ideal.
- North Side (left photo): Florence Suizenji Park Grand Arc, D’Cladia Kumamizu Yusuien, D’Cladia Kumamizu Sakurasando, Daiapalace Kuwamizu Cherry Avenue
- South Side (right photo): Creador Kuwamizu Spoerri, Creador Kuwamizu Garden, Festio Kuwamizu Garden, Surpass Kuwamizu Honmachi, Associa Kuwamizu Garden Terrace
Kuwamizu in Chuo Ward, Kumamoto City, is an ideal area for families moving to Kumamoto for the first time, with excellent transportation convenience, natural environment, and educational opportunities. I have never met anyone who regretted living in Kuwamizu. I highly recommend used condominiums, as there are many properties that retain their asset value.
If you are interested in Kuwamizu, please feel free to contact Kumamoto Panda Real Estate.
If you want to try living in Kuwamizu, search for the Airbnb “Kuwamizu Forest.” It is beautiful and cost-effective, making reservations difficult, but it allows you to experience living in Kuwamizu easily. It is on the 4th floor of the building where Kumamoto Panda Real Estate is located. When you stay, please visit Kumamoto Panda Real Estate as well (home theater/kids room available).